Non-surgical spinal decompression (NSD) is a modern kind of physiotherapy that, by using computer technology, represents an advance over traditional traction techniques. Unloading the spinal discs and facets at a particular segmental level is accomplished by computerized distraction using alternating high and low tensions, an actuator, a stationary tower, and variable angle, all of which are repeated and over again without evoking muscle contraction. It has been shown that NSD lowers intradiscal pressure. Following decompression, it has also been seen that disc height increases, which is associated with an improvement in discogenic pain.
Bulging or herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, sciatica, neck discomfort, and lower back pain are all possible causes of this condition. NSD is often used in conjunction with other types of physiotherapy treatment. The use of decompression in combination with heat, ice, TENS, and myofascial release was advised by Shealy. Parker University's chiropractic postgraduate education department has been teaching NSD since 2012. It is used in conjunction with other techniques to treat discogenic neck and back pain. In a case report, Henry documented NSD and offered a multimodal treatment method for lumbar disc herniation that included spinal manipulation, therapeutic exercise, and low-level laser therapy, among other things (LLLT).